Yunhui Yang 2019~ Institute of Chemistry, Chinese of Academy of Science Assistent Research 2019 Institute of Chemistry, Chinese of Academy of Science Master of science 2011 Henan Normal University Bachelor of science | |
Xuemin Wang 2004-2008 Qiqihar University Bachelor of engineering 2008-2011 Beijing University of Chemical Technology Master of engineering
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Anjia Liu 2022.7~ Institute of Chemistry, Chinese of Academy of Sciences Postdoctoral Researcher 2017.9-2022.6 Inner Mongolia University Doctor of Science
2013.9-2017.6 JiNing Normal University Bachelor of science
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Zelong Wang Email: 2022~ Institute of Chemistry, Chinese of Academy of Science Postdoctoral 2022 Institute of Chemistry, Chinese of Academy of Science Doctor of science 2017 Beihang University Bachelor of science