Doctor Jian-She Zhu Doctor Jian-She Zhu

最小化 最大化


2004.09-2008.07         Beijing University of Chemical Technology           Bachelor of Science

2008.09-2013.12         Institute of Chemistry, CAS                                    Pursuing Doctor's degree

Research Interest

Synthesis of iminosugar natural products and derivatives

Published Work

Zhu, J.-S.; Nakagawa, S.; Chen, W.; Adachi, I.; Jia, Y.-M.; Hu, X.-G.; Fleet, G. W. J.; Wilson, F. X.; Nitoda, T.; Horne, G.; van Well, R.; Kato, A.; Yu, C.-Y., Synthesis of Eight Stereoisomers of Pochonicine: Nanomolar Inhibition of β-N-Acetylhexosaminidases. J. Org. Chem. 2013, 78, 10298-10309.

Hobbies and interests
