Wenjie Dong Wenjie Dong

最小化 最大化


Name: Wenjie Dong
Place of Birth: Shandong Province
Date of Birth: 1986.10
Tel:    010-82615871
E-mail: dongwj@iccas.ac.cn
Major:  Physical Chemistry
09/2008~present Successive postgraduate and doctoral programs of study (Supervisor: Prof. Long Jiang), Physical Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry
09/2004~ 07/2008 Bachelor of science, Materials Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, China University of Petroleum

Wenjie Dong et al. International Journal of Nano-medicine.Volume 2013:8 Pages 221-232.
Long Jiang, Wenjie Dong: The fabrication and application of a photochromic composite microsphere structure, application number: 201210305889.5
Outstanding Communist of Institute of Chemistry, June 2011
Outstanding student leaders of UCAS in May 2011

“Three Good” student of UCAS in May 2011