Long Jiang
1933 Born in Shanghai China
1950-1953 Graduated from Chemical department of Nanjing University。Major in Colloid Chemistry. China
1953-1956 Worked at Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), as assistant professor
1960 He got his Ph D degree in Institute of Physical Chemistry of Academy Science of USSR in Russian.
1960-1975 Worked at Institute of Chemistry CAS as Research Associate.
1975-1999 Worked at Institute of Photographic Chemistry, CAS as Associate Professor and Full Professor.
1999 until now Working in Institute of Chemistry CAS as a Full Professor.
Since2001 Prof. Long Jiang has been elected as an Academician of CASSciences. He is also a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) since 2008. He is a colloid and surface chemist ,a recipient of 2nd Grade National Natural Science Award and 6 others,. He is aeditor of 2 foreign journals and 2Chinese journals, beingthe owner of 20patents and more than 280 scientific papers, He is an author, translator or editor of 5 books.
Recently hiswork mainly focus onpreparing the gold nanoparticlesof different morphologies with narrow size distribution,nano/microparticles composite,and their application in biosensor and medicine.
CAS Key Laboratory of Colloid, Interface and Chemical Thermodynamics
Instituteof Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS)
Beijing, 100190, P.R. China
Phone: +86-10-82612084; Fax: +86-10-82612084
List of 15 important papers published.
- Z.F.Ma, J.R.Li, M.H.Liu, J.Cao, Y.Zhou, J.Tu, L.Jiang, Colorimetric Detection of Escherichia coli by polyacetylene visicles functionalized with glycolipid. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. vol.120, 48, p12678-12679(1998).
- Z. F. Ma, J.R.Li, L.Jiang, J.Cao, P.Boullanger, Influence of the spacer length of glycolipid receptors in polydiacetylene vesicles on the colorimetric detection of Eschericha coli, Langmuir 16,7801-7804 (2000).
- L. Lin, H.Q. Zhao, J.R. Li, J.A.Tang, M.X.Duan and L. Jiang, Study on Colloidal Au-Enhanced DNA Sensing by Quartz Crystal Microbalance, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication, 274, (3) 817-820(2000).
- H.Q.Zhao, L.Lin, J.R.Li, J.A,Tang, M.X. Duan and L. Jiang. DNA biosensor with high sensitivity amplified by gold nanoparticles, J. Nanoparticles Research 3:321-323 (2001).
- Hong Zhao, Jin RuLi, Fu Xi, Long Jiang, Polyamidoamine dendrimers inhibit binding of tat peptide to TAR RNA,FEBS Letters Vol 563/1-3 pp 241-245 (2004).
- Shu-feng Liu, Yong-fang Li, Jin-ru Li, Long Jiang, Enhancement of DNA Immobilization and Hybridization on Gold Electrode Modified by Nanogold Aggregates.Biosensor and Bioelectronics Vol 21, No. 5, 789-795 (2005).
- Cai Xin. Guo, Paul Boullanger, Tao Liu, Long Jiang, Size effect of the polydiacetylene vesicles functionalized with glycolipids on their colorimetric detection ability.J. Phys. Chem.B 109(40); 18765-18771.(2005).
- Wensheng Lu, Lin Lin and Long Jiang. Nanogold hollow balls with dendritic surface for hybridization of DNA Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 22, 1101-1105,(2007).
- Wei Wang, Wensheng Lu, and Long Jiang*, Influence of pH on the Aggregation Morphology of a Novel Surfactant with Single Hydrocarbon Chain and Multi-Amine Headgroups, J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 1409-1413 (2008).
- Jieli Deng, Zhonghan Sheng, Kai Zhou, Mingxing Duan, Chu-yi Yu, Long Jiang.Construction of effective receptor for recognition of avian influenza H5N1 protein HA1 by assembly of mono-head glycolipids on polydiacetylene vesicle surface,Bioconjugate Chem., 20 (3), 533-537 (2009).
- Yuetong Xia, Wensheng Lu, Long Jiang, Fabrication of color changeable polystyrene spheres decorated by gold nanoparticles and its label-free biosensingNanotechnology ,21,No 8,85501(2010).
- Guanhua Lin, Wensheng Lu, Wenjuan Cui, and Long Jiang, A Simple Synthesis Method for Gold Nano- and Microplate Fabrication Using a Tree-Type Multiple-Amine Head Surfactant, Crystal Growth & Design,10,1118-1123(2010).
- Wenfeng Jia, Jinru Li, Guanhua Lin, and Long JiangTwo-Step Synthesis of Narrow Size Distribution Nanoflowers Using a Tree-Type Multi-Amine-Head Surfactant as a TemplateCryst. Growth Des., 11 (9), pp 3822–3827 (2011).
- Xinghua Zhang, Long Jiang. Fabrication of Novel Rattle-Type Magnetic Mesoporous carbon Microspheres for Removal of Microcystins J. Mater. Chem., 21 (29), 10653 – 10657(2011)
- Wenjuan Cui, Jinru Li, Yakun Zhang, Huilin Rong, and Long Jiang Effects of aggregation and the surface properties of gold nanoparticles on cell cytotoxicity and growth. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine,8. 46–53(2012)