Long Jiang Long Jiang

最小化 最大化



1933  Born in Shanghai China

1950-1953  Graduated from Chemical department of Nanjing University。Major in Colloid Chemistry. China

1953-1956  Worked at Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), as assistant professor

1960  He got his Ph D degree in Institute of Physical Chemistry of Academy Science of USSR in Russian.

1960-1975  Worked at Institute of Chemistry CAS  as Research Associate.

1975-1999  Worked at Institute of Photographic Chemistry, CAS as Associate Professor and Full Professor. 

1999 until now Working in Institute of Chemistry CAS as a Full Professor.

       Since2001 Prof. Long Jiang has been elected as an Academician of CASSciences. He is also a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) since 2008.  He is a colloid and surface chemist ,a recipient of 2nd Grade National Natural Science Award and 6 others,. He is aeditor of 2 foreign journals and 2Chinese journals, beingthe owner of 20patents and more than 280 scientific papers, He is an author, translator or editor of 5 books.

      Recently hiswork mainly focus onpreparing the gold nanoparticlesof different morphologies with narrow size distribution,nano/microparticles composite,and their application in biosensor and medicine.

CAS Key Laboratory of Colloid, Interface and Chemical Thermodynamics

Instituteof Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS)

Beijing, 100190, P.R. China

Phone: +86-10-82612084; Fax: +86-10-82612084


List of 15 important papers published.

  1. Z.F.Ma, J.R.Li, M.H.Liu, J.Cao, Y.Zhou, J.Tu, L.Jiang, Colorimetric Detection of Escherichia coli by polyacetylene visicles functionalized with glycolipid.  J. Amer. Chem. Soc. vol.120, 48, p12678-126791998.
  2. Z. F. Ma,  J.R.Li, L.Jiang, J.Cao, P.Boullanger, Influence of the spacer length of glycolipid receptors in polydiacetylene vesicles on the colorimetric detection of Eschericha coli, Langmuir  16,7801-7804 (2000).
  3. L. Lin, H.Q. Zhao, J.R. Li, J.A.Tang, M.X.Duan and L. Jiang, Study on Colloidal Au-Enhanced DNA Sensing by Quartz Crystal Microbalance, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication, 274, (3) 817-820(2000).
  4. H.Q.Zhao, L.Lin, J.R.Li, J.A,Tang, M.X. Duan and L. Jiang. DNA biosensor with high sensitivity amplified by gold nanoparticles, J. Nanoparticles Research 3:321-323 (2001).
  5. Hong Zhao, Jin RuLi, Fu Xi, Long Jiang, Polyamidoamine dendrimers inhibit binding of tat peptide to TAR RNA,FEBS Letters Vol 563/1-3 pp 241-245 (2004).
  6. Shu-feng Liu, Yong-fang Li, Jin-ru Li, Long Jiang, Enhancement of DNA Immobilization and Hybridization on Gold Electrode Modified by Nanogold Aggregates.Biosensor and Bioelectronics Vol 21, No. 5, 789-795  (2005).
  7. Cai Xin. Guo, Paul Boullanger, Tao Liu, Long Jiang,  Size effect of the polydiacetylene vesicles functionalized with glycolipids on their colorimetric detection ability.J. Phys. Chem.B 109(40); 18765-18771.(2005).
  8. Wensheng Lu, Lin Lin and Long Jiang. Nanogold hollow balls with dendritic surface for hybridization of DNA  Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 22, 1101-1105(2007).
  9. Wei Wang, Wensheng Lu, and Long Jiang*, Influence of pH on the Aggregation Morphology of a Novel Surfactant with Single Hydrocarbon Chain and Multi-Amine Headgroups, J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 1409-1413 (2008).
  10. Jieli Deng, Zhonghan Sheng, Kai Zhou, Mingxing Duan, Chu-yi Yu, Long Jiang.Construction of effective receptor for recognition of avian influenza H5N1 protein HA1 by assembly of mono-head glycolipids on polydiacetylene vesicle surface,Bioconjugate Chem., 20 (3), 533-537  (2009).
  11. Yuetong Xia, Wensheng Lu, Long Jiang, Fabrication of color changeable polystyrene spheres decorated by gold nanoparticles and its label-free biosensingNanotechnology ,21No 8855012010.
  12. Guanhua Lin, Wensheng Lu, Wenjuan Cui, and Long Jiang, A Simple Synthesis Method for Gold Nano- and Microplate Fabrication Using a Tree-Type Multiple-Amine Head Surfactant, Crystal Growth & Design,101118-11232010.
  13. Wenfeng Jia, Jinru Li, Guanhua Lin, and Long JiangTwo-Step Synthesis of Narrow Size Distribution Nanoflowers Using a Tree-Type Multi-Amine-Head Surfactant as a TemplateCryst. Growth Des., 11 (9), pp 3822–3827 2011.
  14. Xinghua Zhang, Long Jiang. Fabrication of Novel Rattle-Type Magnetic Mesoporous carbon Microspheres for Removal of Microcystins J. Mater. Chem., 21 (29), 10653 – 106572011
  15. Wenjuan Cui, Jinru Li, Yakun Zhang, Huilin Rong, and Long Jiang Effects of aggregation and the surface properties of gold nanoparticles on cell cytotoxicity and growth.  Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine8. 4653(2012)