Leader Leader

最小化 最大化

Prof. Decheng Wu


1993.09-1998.07,  B.E.     University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

1998.09-2001.07,  M.S.    University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

2002.01-2006.01,  Ph.D.   National University of Singapore (NUS)

Academic Career:

2005.04-2009.04, Research Engineer                  Institute of Materials Research

                                                                              & Engineering (IMRE)

2009.05-2011.01, Senior Research Engineer       IMRE

2011.01-present,  Professor,                                 Institute of Chemistry,

                                                                              Chinese Academy of Sciences

2015.03-present,  Professror,                             University of Chinese Academy of



2017     Winner of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars