2013 papers 2013 papers

  1. A reinforced composite structure composed of polydiacetylene assemblies deposited on polystyrene microspheres and its application to H5N1 virus detection  

             Wenjie Dong Jing Luo Hongxuan He  Long Jiang*

            International Journal of Nanomedicine 2013:8 221–232


       2.    Synthesis of highly branched gold nanodendrites with a narrow size distribution and tunable NIR and SERS using a 

             multi-amine   surfactant 

              Wenfeng Jia, Jinru Li, and Long Jiang*

              ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2013, 5, 6886−6892           


        3.   金纳米颗粒的细胞毒性和促细胞生长作用


              化学进展(Progress in Chemistry)  2013年25卷第10期 1631-1641页.