论文(2017至今) 论文(2017至今)

最小化 最大化
  1. "Correlated Molecular Motion during Release of Residual Stress in Polymer Glassy Films" Jinzhou Ju, Bin Cheng, Zhichao Jiang, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao*  J. Phys. Chem. B 2025, 129, 465−474. 
  2. "Counterions Redistribution of a Polyelectrolyte Induced by Shear Flow" Chao Zhou, Kuo Chen, Kaikai Zheng, Jingfa Yang, and Jiang Zhao, Macromolecules 2024, 57, 5739−5746.
  3. "Validity of Single Fluorescent Molecule to Report Local Dynamics of a Polymer Matrix: The Effect of Molecular Architecture" Hanqi Zhu, Haipeng Li,  Hao Zhang,* Jingfa Yang, Shouke Yan, Jiang Zhao, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2023, DOI10.1002/macp.202300208. 
  4. "Switchable Double Inversion of Chirality in a Helical Polyelectrolyte" Yang Zhao, Jingfa Yang, Minghua Liu,* and Jiang Zhao*  ACS Macro Lett. 2023, 12, 667−672.
  5. "聚乙二醇单分子的界面扩散: 荧光关联光谱与单分子轨迹追踪测量的一致性" 李卓, 陈阔, 侯天昊, 杨京法, 赵江*《中国科学 化学》2023, 53, 762-767.
  6. "Free Space Makes the Polymer ‘Dead Layer' Alive" Zhichao Jiang, Bin Cheng, Jingfa Yang, and Jiang Zhao* J. Phys. Chem. B 2022, 126, 10750-10757.
  7. "Extraordinary Temperature Dependence of Hierarchically Assembled Macromolecular Structures with Memory" Chao Zhou, Yubin Wang, Murugappan Muthukumar, Ruoyu Zhang,* Jiang Zhao* and Di Jia*  Macromolecules 2022, 55, 18, 8133-8142.
  8. "Poly(ethylene oxide) Is Positively Charged in Aqueous Solutions", Chao Zhou, Chunda Ji, Yuchen Nie, Jingfa Yang and Jiang Zhao*, Gels 2022, 8, 213.
  9. "Shear-Induced Counterion Release of a Polyelectrolyte", Kaikai Zheng, Kuo Chen, Weibin Ren, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao*, Macromolecules 2022, 55, 1647-1656.
  10. "Clusterin inhibits Aβ42 aggregation through a ‘strawberry model' as detected by FRET-FCS", Lingwan Xu, Shijun Tian, Xianglei Peng, Ying Hua, Wenxuan Yang, Longwei Chen, Shilei Liu, Wenzheng Wu, Jiang Zhao, Jinsheng He, Liqing Wu, Jingfa Yang, Yanpeng Zheng, J. Neurochem. 2021, 158, 444-454.
  11. "Molecular motion activated by residual stress in a glassy polymer thin film" Bin Cheng, Zhichao Jiang, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao*, J. Chem. Phys. 2021, 155, 234903.
  12. "Continuous evolution of the re-entrant phase separation in evaporating droplets of polymer solutions" Bin Cheng, Haitong Zhao, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao, Polymer 2021, 237, 124327.
  13. "Counterion Binding Dynamics of a Polyelectrolyte", Yu Shi, Hao Peng, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao*, Macromolecules 2021, 54, 4926-4933.
  14. "Effect of Counterion Binding to Swelling of Polyelectrolyte Brushes", Chunda Ji, Chao Zhou, Bintao Zhao, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao*, Langmuir 2021, 37, 5554-5562.
  15. "荧光关联光谱在高分子单链研究中的应用", 周超、杨京法、赵江*, 《高分子学报·高分子表征技术专题》, 2021, 52, 321-334.
  16. "Studying the Physics of Charged Macromolecules by Single Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy" Jiang Zhao*, J. Chem. Phys. 2020, 153, 170903.
  17. "Polymeric liquid layer densified by surface acoustic wave", Tianhao Hou, Jingfa Yang, Wen Wang, Jiang Zhao*, J. Chem. Phys. 2020, 152, 224901.
  18. "Anomalous Diffusion Inside Soft Colloidal Suspensions Investigated by Variable Length Scale Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy", Hengyi Li, Kaikai Zheng, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao*, ACS Omega 2020, 5, 11123-11130.
  19. "Lateral diffusion of single polymer molecules at interfaces between water and oil", Zhuo Li, Jingfa Yang, Javoris V. Hollingsworth, Jiang Zhao*, RSC Advances 2020, 10, 16565-16569.
  20. "Diffusive Motion of Single Polyelectrolyte Molecules under Electrostatic Repulsion", Kuo Chen, Kaikai Zheng, Guofeng Xu, Jingfa Yang, and Jiang Zhao*, Macromolecules 2019, 52, 3925-3934.
  21. "Enhanced Diffusion and Oligomeric Enzyme Dissociation" Ah-Young Jee, Kuo Chen, Tsvi Tlusty, Jiang Zhao, Steve Granick, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 51, 20062-20068.
  22.  "The experimental evidence of multi-step delta-relaxation mode in liquid crystalline side chain polymers by time-resolved fluorescence emission spectroscopy", Kai Tao, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao*, Polymer 2019, 179, 121683.
  23. "A negative correlation between water content and protein adsorption on polymer brushes", Wei Dai, Cong Zheng, Bintao Zhao, Kuo Chen, Pengxiang Jia, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao, J. Mater. Chem. B 2019, 7, 2162-2168.
  24. "Light- and pH-responsive self-healing hydrogel", Meng Yang, Linlin Wang, Yongbin Cheng, Ke Ma, Xinran Wei, Pengxiang Jia, Yongkuan Gong, Yang Zhang, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao, J. Mater. Sci., 2019, 54, 9983-9994.
  25.  "Cell membrane mimetic copolymer coated polydopamine nanoparticles for combined pH-sensitive drug release and near-infrared photothermal therapeutic", Linlin Wang, Wei Dai, Meng Yang, Xinran Wei, Ke Ma, Botao Song, Pengxiang Jia, Yongkuan Gong, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao, Colloid. Surf. B: Biointerfaces, 2019, 176, 1-8.
  26.  "Counterion Cloud Expansion of a Polyelectrolyte by Dilution", Kaikai Zheng, Kuo Chen, Weibin Ren, Jingfa Yang, and Jiang Zhao*, Macromolecules 2018, 51, 4444−4450.
  27. "Response of a Permanently Charged Polyelectrolyte Brush to External Ions: The Aspects of Structure and Dynamics", Bintao Zhao, Guangcui Yuan, Xiao Chu, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao*, Langmuir 2018, 34, 6757-6765.
  28. "Molecular weight dependence of chain conformation of strong polyelectrolytes" Guofeng Xu, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao* J. Chem. Phys. 2018, 149, 163329.
  29. "Probing the interplay between chain diffusion and polymer crystal growth under nanoscale confinement: a study by single molecule fluorescence microscopy", Xi Lu, Kaikai Zheng, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao*, Sci. China Chem. 2018, 61, 1440–1446.
  30.  "Facile Preparation of Ductile, Free-Standing and Multilayer Polymeric Optical Data Storage Media with Macroscopic Structural Homogeneity" Yang Feng, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao*, Guangming Chen J. Mater. Chem. C 2018, 6, 6118-6124.
  31.  "The effect of solvent to the kinetics of imidization of poly(amic acid)" Xing Chen, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao*, Polymer 2018, 143, 46-51.
  32.  "Charge evolution during the unfolding of a single DNA i-motif" Weibin Ren, Kaikai Zheng, Charan Liao, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2017, 20, 916-924.
  33.  "The effects of fluorescent labels on Aβ42 aggregation detected by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy", Yanpeng Zheng,  Lingwan Xu,  Jingfa Yang,  Xianglei Peng,  He Wang,  Na Yu,  Ying Hua,  Jiang Zhao,  Jinsheng He,  Tao Hong, Biopolymers 2018, 109, e23237.
  34. "Positioning a fluorescent probe at the core of a glassy star polymer for detection of local dynamics" Desheng Li, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao*, Chin. Chem. Lett. 2018, 29, 374-380.
  35. "Detection of site-dependent segmental mobility of polymer by fluorescent defocused imaging" Desheng Li, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao*, Chin. J. Polym. Sci. 2017, 35, 1488-1496.
  36. "Retarded local dynamics of single fluorescent probes in polymeric glass due to interaction strengthening" Hao Zhang, Desheng Li; Kui Wu, Fuyi Wang, Jingfa Yang, Jiang Zhao*, Polymer 2017, 116, 452-457.
  37. "关于聚电解质单链抗衡离子浓度径向分布的研究"罗双江、高培源、郭洪霞、赵江,《高分子学报》2017, 1479-1487.