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Prof.  Hongxia Guo



Ph.D., 1996, Beijing Institute of Physics, CAS


Professional Experience:

2006-Present, Professor, Institute of Chemistry, CAS.

2004-2006, Senior Researcher, Department of Material Sciences and Engineering, Northwesrtern University, USA

2000-2004, Postdoc in Theory Group, Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany

1999-2000, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry, Instituteof Chemistry, CAS


Research Interests:

     Simulation of soft matter at different levels of resolutions;Phase behavior, dynamics and rheological properties of polymers and related complex systems;Self-assembly and related interfacial properties;Transport of polymerchain/water/nanoparticle in nanochannel. 



Email: hxguo@iccas.ac.cn