Introduction Introduction

    Welcome to Quantum Multidimensional Infrared (QMDIR) Spectroscopy group!   
    Our main research interests are ultrafast structural dynamics and ultrafast chemical reaction dynamics of molecular systems in condensed phases. Research methods include steady-state and time-resolved infrared spectroscopic techniques, supplemented by quantum chemitry calculations, ab initio molecular dynamics and classical molecular dynamics simulations.
    Our group has a commericial Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR), and a home-built femtosecond two-dimensional infrared (2D IR) spectrometer. The latter also allows femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopic measurements to be done easily. Our group also has a 132-core computer cluster with Gaussian, GAMESS, NAMD, and CPMD softwares installed for computations and simulations of molecular systems in condensed phases.
    More than 70 peer-reviewd research papers have been published.